Friday, 18 March 2022

BBC Radio Play S01E10 - William Starts the New Year

William - The Lionheart book cover
Initial broadcast information: Tuesday, 1 January 1946, 20:45 - 21:15.

This is a new original story for the BBC Play series.

Adapted for radio by Richmal Crompton in collaboration with Ian Smith and Alick Hayes.

Script published by David Schutte in William the Lionheart. ISBN: 978 0 9546802 6 8

This is the first play in Volume 2 of the Richmal Crompton BBC plays, it is also the first play broadcast in 1946. The new year brought about a new air time of 8:45pm, which feels like an odd time to air such a programme, however regular afternoon repeats were provided.

Just William episode
advertised in the newspaper.
This episode begins, for the very first time, in the old barn. It is 4pm in the favourite hang out of the
Outlaws and William is wrapped up telling the story of Antonio. 

Antonio is a person who has had a change of heart and begins helping people. Of course, William thinks that this should be emulated, and when better to start than the 1st of January.

William may well have gotten out of actually performing any helpful tasks, if not for Hubert, who appears at the barn, as always, uninvited.

Our hero spends the rest of the day doing his genuine best to assist him family, who are all getting ready for a part that very evening. All the while, regardless of who William is helping, he recites the story of Antonio. Sadly, the story falls on distracted ears and never runs its full course, as William is send off to help another family member when accidental destruction happens at William's helping hands.

Just part of the eventual excitement includes:

When Mrs Brown tells William that she is giving him permission to clean 'Lulu', Robert's motorbike, he spends his time pretending to ride it instead! Being caught by Robert has him sent inside, where he answers the phone to Robert's latest forever love, Joan. He tells her that Robert is busy with Lulu in the garage and doesn't have time to come to the telephone!

Helping Ethel run a bath leads to fabric dye, rather than bath soap being added to the water. Using the electric sweeper, an early vacuum cleaner, leads to Mr Brown not only tripping over the cable, but tripping the fuse box. Ethel then gets into the bath, not wanting to lose a minute in preparation for the party.

Robert catches fire from the candle he is holding to see the fuse box in the dark, leading William knock over the telephone and inadvertently calling a fire engine. Joan arrives to throw Robert's love letters back at him as she is distraught about his new girl, Lulu. 

As the fuse box is switch back on and the light restored, Ethel is heard screaming. She has discovered that she is now dyed blue. The sirens of a fire engine is heard on approach.

William ends the frantic scene with: "But, Dad - I was only tryin' to help. That was my New Year's resolution."

Mr John Brown
Mrs Brown
Hubert Lane
Violet Elizabeth
Telephone Operator

Thanks for reading and keep checking back as I explore this fascinating series of plays written by Richmal Crompton.