Monday 21 September 2020

Jimmy Story Review: 1.1 Jimmy Turns the Tables

In this, the very first, story of Jimmy; we begin with a description of Jimmy, his brother, and The Three Musketeers.

The Three Musketeers have decided to declare war on The Mouldies, Archie Mould's gang, and decide on using the kitchen of the blitzed house as their headquarters.

Jimmy (Jim this time as he's not really wanted for this war), is posted as guard of a signpost, but is quickly captured by Archie when the others leave.

Jimmy hates the idea of being captured, especially as he's Roger's brother, who is the leader of the Three Musketeers. He feels that the shame would stay with him his entire life. He gets Archie talking, who reveals that he's going to keep Archie in the coal shed at his home.
Archie tells his how thrilled he is at this idea as he's never allowed to play in his own coal shed. Jimmy says that he's glad it's not the kitchen of the blitzed house - as that has rats. This gives Archie the idea of doing just that.

The story closes with Archie leading Jimmy into the aforementioned kitchen, himself now the prisoner!

Archie Mould